Family Caregiver Guilt Detox Free Course

I’m so glad you’re here!

Welcome to day one of Saying No to Caregiver Guilt!

In our first session, we will explore point of view, yours and your parent’s. In this exercise, you will learn:

  • How you can open lines of empathetic communication — both ways!
  • And how to get you and your parent’s emotional needs met.

Take 15 minutes today to read: How Do You View Your Parents and answer the questions at the end of the reading, and please feel free to print out the exercises OR start your own self-care journal to complete the writing portion of the detox.

Today’s the day to jumpstart your own self-care!

–> Click here to get started with today’s lesson.

You will be one step closer to relieving dreadful and soul-crushing guilt.

I’m so glad you are here for Day 2 of the Caregiver Guilt Detox. You are on your way to creating a habit that is good for you and your loved ones!

It’s amazing how much more manageable daily challenges can feel when you look at them through a new lens, right? And knowing how to make new choices — whether in your thoughts, actions or words — makes all the difference in achieving your desired outcomes.

Today’s detox may sound a bit difficult to hear at first, but it’s important. You will learn to listen to and trust your own decision-making, ultimately having the kind of life you really want, while also respecting and supporting those around you.

Take 15 minutes today to read: Mind Your Own Business and answer the questions at the end of the reading.

–> Click here to get started with today’s lesson.

<Change takes practice.

You’re almost halfway through the detox, %FIRSTNAME%!

I am so excited that you are taking action toward learning new strategies so you can be the caregiver you want to be for your loved ones…and yourself!

Today’s the day for you to start taking loving, respectful, and compassionate care of yourself. Day Three’s detox will help provide you with tools and a mindset to put you first.

Take 15 minutes today to read: Decide That You Are Number One and answer the questions at the end of the reading.

–> Click here to get started with today’s lesson.

And always, feel free to send me a note letting me know how your five-day detox is going. Your responses will help me help YOU and OTHER CAREGIVERS!

I cannot tell you how proud I am of you for taking 15 minutes each day to take care of yourself, and I hope it leads you into a habit of providing yourself with serenity and ease, daily.

The writing exercise in today’s detox is highly important to see results.

Take 15 minutes to: Break Free From Emotional Blackmail.

>–> Click here to get started with today’s lesson.

You can do it!!!

You’re here! You are one day closer to forming a habit. A GREAT habit!

Today’s reading assignment is a bit longer than previous days, so please allow yourself an extra five minutes to take care of yourself. It’s the best tool in the course!

Take 20 minutes to ask yourself: What is My Desired Outcome?

–> Click here to get started with today’s lesson.

And we breathe….


Looking for more resources? Check out Take Back Your Life: A Family Caregiver’s Guide to Finding Freedom in the Midst of Overwhelm.

Psychotherapist, hypnotherapist and experienced family caregiver Loren Gelberg-Goff shows you exactly how to get back to having a life, feel that loving connection you thought was gone, stop arguing and get cooperation from your siblings and others, and discover other resources you can call upon to guarantee that much-needed “you time.”