Being Well Within: From Distressed to De-Stressed

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About the Authors
Psychotherapist Loren Gelberg-Goff met Dr. Carmel-Ann Mania, a holistic chiropractor in Hackensack, New Jersey, in 1996. The two healing professionals began a long term exchange of personal philosophy and professional ideas that led to a shared sense of mission.
Over those years of ongoing professional development and collaboration, a plan formed for getting the word out to the world about just how much power each individual can have over their own physical, psychological and emotional wellbeing. Their book is the culmination of their vision for putting people on the road to wellness and self-empowerment.
To read more about Loren click HERE.
For more about Dr. Mania click HERE.
“Chock full of simple, yet powerful steps to move beyond our well-worn habits of speed,Being Well Within: From Distressed to De-Stressed provides a guide away from the hamster wheel to a saner way of being. With the book’s help, readers will be able to celebrate life more fully. Let the healing begin!”
“Being Well Within” is a true gift that teaches self-love, acceptance, and the art of returning ourselves to our at-peace inner wisdom. If you are ready to learn the secrets to replacing your stressful existence with one of harmony, love, balance, and self-esteem, this is the book for you!”
“This is a valuable book for anyone experiencing stress in their lives and teaches excellent coping methods. It can be helpful to people of any age and gender. This book is interesting, educational and productive. Simple solutions for complex issues.”
“This book is a wonderful primer in how to acknowledge and release your innate healing abilities. We are born to be well but we lose our focus for what is right about our bodies and our selves, and get swayed by societal and media norms which relate more to our shortcomings and need for a product or thing to “fix us”.
It is our birthright to be well. Suffering is a choice. This book offers hope rather than hype. If we are patient and take the time to understand our bodies and inner feelings, we can find the true path to healing.”
“Dr. Carmel-Ann Mania and Loren Gelberg-Goff have created a practical, easy to implement strategy for effectively dealing with the joys and challenges of everyday life. Learn real world strategies to more effectively express life, health, and your innate potential. Claim your birthright to live an inspired, empowered life.”
© Copyright 2018
Loren Gelberg-Goff and Well Within.
All rights reserved.
About Loren
(201) 489-6720
[email protected]